Liquid Securities
The Liquid Securities team is responsible for managing SCI’s liquid investments globally, encompassing all major public equity and fixed-income markets.
The team is comprised of highly experienced investors, portfolio managers and traders, and credit research and analysis experts who identify the highest-quality, long-term investment opportunities and develop durable industry partnerships.
SCI's Liquid Securities department has four distinct functions including Active Equities, Factor & Indexed Equities, Government & Cash, and Corporate Credit and High Yield.
Active Equities: A team of highly experienced investors who undertake rigorous and proprietary fundamental research to identify the highest quality, long-term investment ideas that are held within a concentrated and actively managed portfolio.
Factor & Indexed Equities: The team works with best-in-class partners to structure and manage each underlying mandate.
Government & Cash: An experienced team of portfolio managers and traders who follow a thorough research and analysis process to identify market dislocations within a well-defined investment universe.
Corporate Credit and High Yield: An experienced credit research and analysis team that works in collaboration with other sector teams in SCI to identify opportunities in the corporate credit space.
Liquid Securities Investment Team
If you wish to contact the Liquid Securities Investment team, please complete the following form